MapRVA is a group of mapping enthusiasts based in Richmond, VA. We meet in-person every couple of weeks, and discuss potential and ongoing geospatial projects. The venues for our meetings alternate between local breweries and libraries, for more social- and work-focused meetings, respectively.


Our work is generally focused on improving OpenStreetMap (OSM), a free database of geospatial information editable by anyone in the world. By contributing data to OSM, we are enabling anyone to create high-quality routing or cartographic products of our city.

Check out our page on the OSM Wiki here!

Editing Guidelines

As a part of our OSM work in Richmond, we maintain local editing guidelines for our city.

Join Us!

We welcome any and all to attend our meetings and/or collaborate with us. Part of our mission is to be a resource to other residents of Richmond with regard to maps and GIS projects. Please see /contact to get in touch!