Jacob Hall


I got into editing OpenStreetMap in spring of 2022, and then moved to Richmond that fall. My primary interests are editing pedestrian infrastructure and public transit.

I attended State of the Map US 2023 here in Richmond, where I met other mappers in the area, and we floated the idea of meeting up. Not too long after that @placemarkt organized a meetup, and MapRVA has been meeting up every two weeks ever since. It’s been a great way to make new friends, nerd out about maps, and learn more about Richmond, all at the same time!

At work I do a lot of geospatial data analysis. My experience with OSM has helped me out a lot at work, and vice versa.

Please feel to reach out, my contact info is readily available at my website/GitHub/etc. The whole purpose of my engagement with OSM is to connect with new people!